Friday, May 6, 2011

Election Blues

This election has been a roller coaster ride. Just when you thought you had it all figured out your smacked in the face by polls and then their apparently lack of meaning! So what did we get? With 24% of Canadians voting Conservative, Harper gained one of the most illegitimate majorities in Canadian history. 37 % of Canadians did not vote for Harper and 39% did not vote. I honestly thought we'd see a higher voter turn out this time as youths across the Nation responded to Rick Mercer's 2008 election rant with vote mobs.

Silly me and my idealism even thought we might see a coalition government  for the first time since 1925-6 under Mackenzie King. My hopes were set so high even at 8:30pm as polls closed in Newfoundland and remained so as my riding and the rest of the island went red or orange. But once Conservatives reached into the hundreds before ever hitting Alberta, with Liberals and NDPs still under 30, I knew it was over and yet I watched with shock. Even after 155 I watched, waited and hoped as some numbers toggled up and down.

Four days later I've dared wearing something that isn't black or gray, perhaps because I need to do blacks in the laundry. Perhaps because I held hope for the electoral reform referendum in the UK today. A live blog shows the results as they stream in and I search another black or gray shirt to blend in with the fog rolling in.

Some friends have reminded me that a negative attitude, or worse apathy, will do nothing. We must celebrate the victories we've had and fight ever but of spite we muster up. Elizabeth May won the first green seat in Parliament, may she be the largest thorn in Harper's side that has ever existed. Jack Layton and the New Democrats became the official opposition with 102 seats and 30.62% of the vote; I wish him ever ounce of luck as he takes control of a rookie caucus. Finally, best wishes to Ignatieff, who's already found a different job and Gilles Duceppe, as we wait to see if the Bloc will remain without him, their first MP ever.

As for what we can do... well I challenge you to fight. A facebook friend made the comment Tuesday morning that they did not feel very Canadian. But I do, I am Canadian and that's something to be proud of and something to fight for. Consider these two classic quotes:

"Dissent is the highest form of Patriotism."- Thomas Jefferson
"It is the duty of the Patriot to protect his country from his government" -Thomas Paine

Finally, if you're looking for tangible ways to fight, please check out my sister's recent blog post here.


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